About Us


Welcome to Honeycomb Cottage, where nature's harmony meets healing. My journey with bee therapy began as a quest for solace from the fatigue of an autoimmune condition, coaching wrestling, and working on our homestead. Dealing with constant nervous system fatigue and heart strain, I sought a deeper connection with nature to find balance and tranquility.

Grounding and tuning into nature's frequencies and being a Functional Patterns practitioner led me to discover the benefits of bee therapy, and I was fascinated by the synchronicity between bee vibrations and the Earth's resonance. This connection sparked a passion to share the soothing hum and calming vibrations of bees with others.

With the support and guidance of experienced beekeepers and mentors like Joel Lantz and Charlie and Carolyne at Capella Ranch as well as Bone Lake Apiary in Scandia MN I designed Honeycomb Cottage to offer a unique and immersive bee therapy experience. Our cozy haven is dedicated to helping others find peace, relaxation, and connection with nature's rhythms, just as I have.

Join us for a truly buzzing experience, and let the gentle vibrations of our bee friends envelop you in serenity and calmness.


After trying everything western medicine had to offer to address years of chronic back pain and fatigue I found Functional Patterns. Within a year I was able to overcome more than a decade of crippling back pain and addiction to painkillers. Functional Patterns exposed me to concepts like quantum biology and seasonal living to address inflammation and degeneration. This led me to connect with nature, plants, and insects, and adopt a seasonal, locally-sourced diet. Consuming raw local honey even helped me overcome years of allergies! Inspired by the healing powers of bees, I'm now exploring their vibrations and host of benefits. As a former special education teacher struggling to find the energy to get through the day, now I am vibrant, energized and resilient and ready to take on the journey of sharing newfound passion for nature and wellness with others.